How to use my Qolsys IQ Panel security system

Your panel: Qolsys IQ Panel security system
Not your panel?Arming in Stay mode
In Stay mode, you arm all doors and windows (securing the perimeter of your home) without activating interior motion detectors.
- Press System Disarmed then press Arm Stay.
- The Qolsys IQ Panel arms immediately
Turn entry delay off (not recommended in most cases)
When you turn off the entry delay (labelled “Instant Arming” on your panel), you will not get a countdown that gives you a few seconds to disarm when you enter your house.
- Press Arm Stay or Arm Away then press the right arrow.
Press Entry Delay to turn it OFF then
press Arm Stay or Arm Away.
An alarm signal will now be sent to the central monitoring station instantly when a sensor is tripped. - The Qolsys IQ Panel displays a countdown exit timer while arming.
Arming in Away mode
In Away mode, you arm all exterior doors and windows as well as interior motion detectors.
- Press System Disarmed then press Arm Away.
- The Qolsys IQ Panel displays an exit delay timer before arming.
Emergency panics
You can use emergency panic buttons to notify the Bell Smart Home central monitoring station of different emergencies in your location. Emergency panics are used when you need immediate assistance. Below are the types of panics, an example of when you may want to use them and what each of them does.
Police: Use when you need police assistance
When someone is attempting to break in.
By selecting police emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (perhaps scaring away the potential intruder) and notify us that you’re in an emergency that requires police response. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. We’ll also notify police of the emergency at your home and request immediate response.
Police (Silent Alarm): Use when you need police assistance but do not want to set off the alarm
When someone dangerous is inside your home but you do not want to let the intruder know you’re home, or the intruder knows you’re home but they want to prevent you from notifying anyone.
By selecting the Police (Silent Alarm) emergency panic you will not set off the alarm (which would alert the person you have called for help) but we’ll still be notified that you’re in an emergency that requires police response. Two-way voice will be activated in “listen only” mode. No one in your home will be able to hear the operator in our central monitoring station but the operator will be able to listen and monitor the situation in case there is additional information that can be provided to the police response unit. At the same time, we’ll notify police of the emergency at your home and request immediate response.
Fire: Use when you need assistance from the fire department
If your home is on fire, gather everyone up to exit immediately. Don’t even take time to look for your mobile phone. On the way out, trigger a Fire emergency with two quick taps on your panel.
By selecting the Fire emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (perhaps alerting someone who is still inside your home) and notify us that you’re in an emergency that requires a response from the fire department. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. If you do not respond, we’ll attempt to reach one of your key contacts. We then notify the fire department of the emergency at your home and request immediate response.
Auxiliary: Use when you need medical assistance
When you’re hurt and unable to call out and alert others that you need help. Go to your system panel and set off the Auxiliary/Medical emergency panic.
By selecting Auxiliary/Medical emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (alerting others of an emergency) and notify us that there is a medical emergency at your home. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. We then notify the proper authorities of the situation at your home and request immediate response.
Auxiliary (Silent): Use when you need medical assistance but don’t want to set off the alarm in your home
When someone at home is hurt and requires medical assistance. You’re with them and want authorities alerted but don’t want to make the situation more stressful for the injured person (which an alarm might do).
By selecting Auxiliary/Medical (Silent) emergency panic, you will not set off the alarm in your location but we’ll be notified that there is a medical emergency at your home. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. We then notify the proper emergency response centre of the situation at your home and request immediate response.
Using emergency panics
- Press the panic icon at the bottom right of the display then select Police, Fire or Auxiliary/Medical panic.
- To silence the alarm, press Cancel then enter your user code.
Unable to see live views of the camera on the Qolsys IQ Panel
First check to make sure that the feature has been enabled.
- Open a browser and log in to the Bell Smart Home website.
- Click on Video, Settings then Stream video to security panel screen.
- Move sliders on cameras to the right to enable.
- On the Qolsys IQ Panel, swipe to camera display.
- Select a camera then click to enlarge.
Antenna positioning for Qolsys IQ Panel (tabletop-mounted units)
Most panels are wall mounted (recommended). The following only applies if you requested your panel on a tabletop stand instead of having it mounted.
On a tabletop, it is recommended that your Qolsys IQ Panel be placed where the antenna is able to hang down the back of the table vertically as that is the best orientation. If this is not possible, straight out the back is best.
To bypass a sensor means to deactivate a security sensor (or zone) on your security system. If someone enters a bypassed area, the alarm will not sound off. You can still arm and secure your system in other areas.
There are a number of reasons to use the bypass function. You may want to leave a specific door or window open. It can also be useful when a sensor is not working (i.e., low battery). You could still arm the rest of your system until a technician can come fix the malfunctioning sensor.
To bypass a sensor:
- Press System Disarmed.
- Press the > arrow (to the right of the Arm Away icon) to expand the display.
- On the top right of the screen, press ALL. This will list your sensors.
- Select the sensors you’d like to bypass and press either Armed Stay or Armed Away.
The panel displays a loss of supervision message when it doesn’t receive its regular check-in signal from a sensor. The check-in lets the panel know the sensor is still there and functioning properly.
Start by checking the sensor’s battery level. The Bell Smart Home app will display a low-battery indicator if the levels are low.
Loss of supervision can also be caused by the following:
- Poor signal due to the sensor’s distance from the panel
- The presence of metal nearby (i.e., the sensor is mounted to metal surface)
- A defective sensor
If the battery levels of the sensor are fine and you still get the loss of supervision message, please call 1 877 267-2004 for assistance.
To ensure compatibility with your Bell Smart Home system, you must purchase additional or replacement sensors from Bell Smart Home and an authorized technician must install them.
View available devices or contact us.
Select your device
Shop The Source for Bell Smart Home batteries.
After you have replaced your battery, please contact us to confirm the battery replacement was successful and the device is in proper working order.
To add a user via the Qolsys IQ Panel:
- Press or swipe down the clock display at the top to open the settings tray then press Settings.
- Press Advanced Settings then enter the master code; this is the default code you selected when the Qolsys IQ Panel was installed.
- Press User Management then press the Add User button.
- Press Name, enter a name (up to 10 characters) then press the bottom-right keyboard icon.
- Press User Code, enter a user code then press the > button.
- Enter the user code again to confirm then press the > button.
Under User Type, specify if this user can make changes to
your alarm system.
- Select Master if you want this user to be able to make changes.
- Select Guest if you only want this user to arm and disarm your alarm system.
- Press Add User to finish then press the back arrow or Home to exit.
To remove a user via the Qolsys IQ Panel:
- Press or swipe down the clock display at the top to open the settings tray then press Settings.
- Press Advanced Settings then enter the master code.
- Press User Management then press the trash icon by the user to delete.
- Press OK to confirm then press the back arrow or Home to exit.
Tap the top portion of your Qolsys screen to access the Settings menu. Then select:
- Settings
- Advanced Settings
- Enter your master code
- System Tests
Wi-Fi test - Checks the Qolsys IQ Panel’s connection to your network (router).
- To perform a Wi-Fi test, press the Run button.
- A successful test will result in a “pass” and indicates the date and time of the test along with connection speed.
Note: If test fails, please check your Wi-Fi settings.
Sensor test - Shows the actual dBm signal strength of each sensor and graphs sensor events against the ambient noise floor of the environment.
- The advanced sensor test shows a summary of each sensor paired to the panel along with the average dBm level, the last event’s dBm level and how many packets were received from the sensor.
Select the graph icon to the right of each sensor to view an individual
sensor’s graphed signal strength in real time.
- The green dots represent each state change or supervisory signal transmitted from a sensor to the panel.
- The yellow line represents a dBm level where signal strength is poor and potential RF failures could occur. This line dynamically adjusts to 12 dBm above the ambient RF noise floor in the environment.
- The red line represents a dBm level where signal strength is critical and RF failures are likely. This line dynamically adjusts to 6 dBm above the ambient RF noise floor in the environment.
Z-Wave tests - Tests the connection between the panel and enrolled Z-Wave devices to ensure they are communicating properly.
- To perform a Z-Wave Test, press the Run button. A successful test will result in a “pass” and indicates the date and time of the test.
Note: If a test fails, relocate the device, change batteries and/or rediscover the network.
Cellular test - Tests the panel’s connection to the cellular network and monitoring station.
- To begin the test press Start and watch for the results on the screen.
Panel test - Runs through a complete test of the panel’s running processes.
- Select Run to test one process at a time or Run All to test all processes.
Note: Running all tests at once will sound the siren.
NOTE: Life Safety detectors have an expiry date
Most smoke detectors expire 10 years after the manufacturing date, and most carbon monoxide detectors expire after 6 years. Ensure all of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are up to date as they may not function correctly once expired. To check your detectors, look for an expiry date listed on the back or side of the device.
When you need to replace a detector, contact Bell Smart Home to learn about your options. If you choose, or have already chosen, to purchase a replacement smoke or carbon monoxide detector from another provider, please be aware that the device will not be monitored as part of your Bell Smart Home service.
To set up Bluetooth disarming:
- Enable the Bluetooth discovery option in the Android or iPhone Bluetooth settings on your smartphone to allow the Qolsys IQ Panel to see the phone on the network.
- On the Qolsys IQ Panel, press or swipe down the clock display at the top to open the settings tray then press Settings.
- Press Advanced Settings then enter the master code; this is the default code you selected when the Qolsys IQ Panel was installed.
- Press Bluetooth Devices then press Settings.
- Check Bluetooth and Bluetooth Disarm (if not already checked) then press the back arrow to exit
- Press Add Phone.
- Select your smartphone from the list of visible devices to send a pairing request to the smartphone.
- The request should appear on the phone. Press OK to accept then Pair on the Qolsys IQ Panel. Press OK to confirm.
- Your smartphone will appear under Paired Devices. Press Home to exit.
To remove a Bluetooth paired device:
- On the Qolsys IQ Panel, press or swipe down the clock display at the top to open the settings tray then press Settings.
- Press Advanced Settings then enter the master code; this is the default code you selected when the Qolsys IQ Panel was installed.
- Press Bluetooth Devices then press Delete Device.
- Check your smartphone from the list of devices and press Delete. Press OK to confirm.
To disable all Bluetooth disarming:
- On the Qolsys IQ Panel, press or swipe down the clock display at the top to open the settings tray then press Settings.
- Press Advanced Settings then enter the master code; this is the default code you selected when the Qolsys IQ Panel was installed.
- Press Bluetooth Devices then press Settings.
Uncheck Bluetooth to turn off all Bluetooth
Uncheck Bluetooth Disarm to turn off Bluetooth disarming. - When you’ve made your selection, press the back arrow to exit.
- Swipe left on the Qolsys IQ Panel’s home screen until you reach the Live Video Cameras page.
- If Live View is enabled, you’ll see your cameras listed on the right side of the screen.
- Select the camera to view.
- Press the play icon to view the live video stream from the selected camera.
The Qolsys IQ Panel can be set to display digital photos when not in use.
Changing Photo Frame settings
Tap the top portion of your Qolsys screen to access the Settings menu. Then select:- Photo Frame
- Photo Frame Settings
In the Photo Frame settings section you can change the following:
- Duration - Sets how long each image will show before transitioning to the next image in the library (1, 2 or 5 minutes).
- Effect - Lets you choose a transition effect between each image (fade to black, dissolve).
- Shuffle - When enabled, displays pictures in either random or sequential order.
- Display type - Lets you choose what to display on the screen when the panel is not in use (off, photo frame and weather clock)
- Photo Frame start time - Lets you choose the amount of time to wait after the last press before starting the selected display type (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes).
- Nighttime mode start time - Determines the time when the display, voices or chimes shut down completely (to turn off the LCD, voices and/or chimes at night).
- Nighttime mode end time - Determines the time when the display, voices or chimes “wake up” after sleeping (to turn the LCD, voices and/or chimes back on in the morning).
- Nighttime mode settings - Lets you choose what the nighttime mode can control (display, voices and/or chimes).
Load new images from SD card
To load new images, tap the top portion of your Qolsys screen to access the Settings menu. Then select:
- Photo Frame
- Add Photos
Steps to load new photos
Load an SD card with photos that you’d like to display on the panel.
Photo requirements:
- 1280 x 720 pixels (or less)
- No larger than 5 MB each
- No more than 20 images
- Saved in a folder entitled “Photos”
Insert the SD card into the panel.
The card will slide all the way in. To remove, push gently and card will spring out.
- Open the Photo Frame app.
- Press Add Photos.
- Choose Replace All Photos or Add New Photos.
- Wait for the images to load.
- Once loaded, you can press Play to test.
NOTE: Before removing the SD card, go to Settings, press SD Card and select Unmount.
Follow these steps to connect your Qolsys IQ Panel to Wi-Fi
Using the app
- Log in to the Bell Smart Home app.
- Touch Security system.
- Touch the cogwheel icon on the top-right corner.
- Touch Panel Wi-Fi.
- The system will scan for networks available to your panel and list them. If you ’re already connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect to a different network.
- Select the network and enter the Wi-Fi password, then touch CONNECT.
Using the web portal
- Log in to the Bell Smart Home web portal.
- Click on Settings in the left panel.
- Click on Control Panel Settings.
- The system will scan for networks available to your panel and list them. If you’re already connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect to a different network.
- Select the network and enter the Wi-Fi password, then touch CONNECT.
Using the control panel
Swipe down on the screen of your panel to access the menu.
Select Settings.
Select Advanced Settings
Enter your master user code.
Select Wi-Fi.
Select your home network, enter your Wi-Fi password and press
To confirm your Qolsys IQ Panel is now connected to your Wi-Fi, go back to the main screen on our panel and swipe right to the connections screen. Wi-Fi should now say “Connected.”