How to use the 2GIG GC2 GoControl panel

Your panel: 2GIG GC2 GoControl pane
Not your panel?Arming and disarming the system
Arming in Stay mode
In Stay mode, you arm all doors and windows (securing the perimeter of your home) without activating interior motion detectors.- From the home screen press ARM STAY. The touchscreen displays a countdown exit timer.
Arming in Away mode
In Away mode, you arm all exterior doors and windows as well as interior motion detectors.- Press ARM AWAY. The touchscreen displays a countdown exit timer.
- When entering the premises, enter your user code before the entry delay expires.
- If the system is armed in Stay mode while inside the premises, press DISARM then enter your user code.
Emergency panics
You can use emergency panic buttons to notify the Bell Smart Home central monitoring station of different emergencies in your location. Emergency panics are used when you need immediate assistance. Below are the types of panics, an example of when you may want to use them and what each of them does.
Police: Use when you need police assistance
When someone is attempting to break in.
By selecting police emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (perhaps scaring away the potential intruder) and notify us that you’re in an emergency that requires police response. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. We’ll also notify police of the emergency at your home and request immediate response.
Fire: Use when you need assistance from the fire department
If your home is on fire, gather everyone up to exit immediately. Don’t even take time to look for your mobile phone. On the way out, trigger a Fire emergency with two quick taps on your panel.
By selecting the Fire emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (perhaps alerting someone who is still inside your home) and notify us that you’re in an emergency that requires a response from the fire department. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. If you do not respond, we’ll attempt to reach one of your key contacts. We then notify the fire department of the emergency at your home and request immediate response.
Emergency: Use when you need medical assistance
When you’re hurt and unable to call out and alert others that you need help. Go to your system panel and set off the Auxiliary/Medical emergency panic.
By selecting Auxiliary/Medical emergency panic, you’ll set off the alarm (alerting others of an emergency) and notify us that there is a medical emergency at your home. We’ll contact you by either two-way voice or phone. We then notify the proper authorities of the situation at your home and request immediate response.
Adding a code
To add codes using the panel:
- Press the Home button (the physical button with the house icon).
- Press the Security button.
- Press the Menu button.
- Press the Toolbox button.
- Enter your 4-digit master access code.
- Press the User management button.
- Press Add user (2,3,4 etc.).
- Enter an access code for the new user and press OK.
- Enter the access code again to confirm and press OK.
- Press OK on the confirmation page.
- Select whether you want the access code to always be active or to set a specific schedule.
To add codes using the web portal:
- Visit
- Click Account login.
- Select Bell Smart Home.
- Enter your login name and password and click Log in.
- On the left menu, click the Users button.
- Click Add user on the top right.
- Enter the first and last name of the person that will be using the code.
- Under Access control, click on the open lock symbol and select Panel to give panel access to this user.
- Enter the 4-digit access code you wish to give to the user.
- Under Schedule, select At all times or Limit access times and specify the days and times.
- If you have a smart door lock, you can also choose to give this user access by clicking on the key symbol and selecting the lock.
- Click SAVE.
Changing a code
To change codes using the panel:
- Press the Home button (the physical button with the house icon).
- Press the Security button.
- Press the Menu button.
- Press the Toolbox button.
- Enter your 4-digit master access code.
- Press the User management button.
- Select the user you wish to change the access code for.
- Press Change PIN.
- Enter a new access code for the user and press OK.
- Enter the access code again to confirm and press OK.
- Press OK on the confirmation page.
To change codes using the web portal:
- Visit
- Click Account login.
- Select Bell Smart Home.
- Enter your login name and password and click Log in.
- On the left menu, click the Users button.
- Click the pencil icon to the right of the user you wish to modify the access code for.
- Under Access code, enter the new 4-digit access code you wish to give to the user.
- Click SAVE.
Deleting a code
To delete codes using the panel:
- Press the Home button (the physical button with the house icon).
- Press the Security button.
- Press the Menu button.
- Press the Toolbox button.
- Enter your 4-digit master access code.
- Press the User management button.
- Select the user you wish to change the access code for.
- Press Delete.
- Press Delete user.
- Press OK on the confirmation page.
To delete codes using the web portal:
- Visit
- Click Account login.
- Select Bell Smart Home.
- Enter your login name and password and click Log in.
- On the left menu, click the Users button.
- Click the garbage can icon to the right of the user you wish to remove.
- Click Delete user on the confirmation page.
Please note: You can remove just the panel/lock access from a user by modifying the access points control without having to delete the user completely.
To bypass a sensor means to deactivate a security sensor (or zone) on your security system. If someone enters a bypassed area, the alarm will not sound off. You can still arm and secure your system in other areas.
There are a number of reasons to use the bypass function. You may want to leave a specific door or window open. It can also be useful when a sensor is not working (i.e., low battery). You could still arm the rest of your system until a technician can come fix the malfunctioning sensor.
To bypass a sensor:
- From the home screen, press SECURITY and then MENU.
- Press TOOLBOX and then enter your master code.
- Find the sensor you wish to bypass and press to select it.
- Press the HOME button to exit.
- To arm your system, press SECURITY then ARM.
- Press STAY or AWAY.
While the system periodically does self-tests and many alerts are in place, it’s still important to test your system monthly to ensure full functionality.
To test the sensor:
- Press the Home button (the physical button with the house icon).
- Press the Security button.
- Press the Menu button.
- Press the Toolbox button.
- Enter your 4-digit master access code.
Press the System test button.
In this menu, all the sensors will be displayed.
Trigger each sensor that you wish to test (For example, open and close
doors, walk past motion sensors).
Please note that motion sensors have a 3-4 minute sleep timer after each transmission. To properly test the motion sensor, stay out of view for approximately 5 minutes prior to walking past the sensor. Some sensors will require pressing the test button on the device.
- When a sensor has been triggered and the signal has been received successfully from the panel, a check mark appears by the sensor as well as a signal level indicator with up to 5 bars indicating the signal strength.
- Press OK to finish sensor test.
- If you wish to test the LED light on the panic and Home buttons, click on each individual test and confirm that the LED light is reflecting correctly. Otherwise, press OK to exit the test.
To test two-way voice:
- Call 1 800 267-2001 to advise the service department that you’ll be testing your two-way voice.
- Press the Panic button (the physical “+” symbol).
- Hold down any of the three panic buttons (panic, fire, emergency) down for two seconds.
- The siren will sound. Wait for the live operator to come on the speaker. Identify yourself with your verbal password.
- Disarm the system by entering your 4-digit arming code.
The panel displays a loss of supervision message when it doesn’t receive its regular check-in signal from a sensor. The check-in lets the panel know the sensor is still there and functioning properly.
Start by checking the sensor’s battery level. The Bell Smart Home app will display a low-battery indicator if the levels are low.
Loss of supervision can also be caused by the following:
- Poor signal due to the sensor’s distance from the panel
- The presence of metal nearby (i.e., the sensor is mounted to metal surface)
- A defective sensor
If the battery levels of the sensor are fine and you still get the loss of supervision message, please call 1 800 267-2001 for assistance.
To ensure compatibility with your Bell Smart Home system, you must purchase additional or replacement sensors from Bell Smart Home and an authorized technician must install them.
View available devices or contact us.
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NOTE: Life Safety detectors have an expiry date
Most smoke detectors expire 10 years after the manufacturing date, and most carbon monoxide detectors expire after 6 years. Ensure all of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are up to date as they may not function correctly once expired. To check your detectors, look for an expiry date listed on the back or side of the device.
When you need to replace a detector, contact Bell Smart Home to learn about your options. If you choose, or have already chosen, to purchase a replacement smoke or carbon monoxide detector from another provider, please be aware that the device will not be monitored as part of your Bell Smart Home service.