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Smart Home

Automation (Z-wave) device is offline

If a Z-Wave device is showing that it is malfunctioning or offline, see the steps below for potential solutions in bringing the device back online.

1. Check to see if the device is turned on and has power

Different Z-Wave devices can have different power sources.

Light switches

Try turning the light on or off to see if power is present. If there isn't power, an electrician would need to fix the power source or wiring.

Light modules and water valves

These plug into a wall outlet. Try turning the light on or off, or opening or closing the water valve to see if power is present. If there isn't power, plug the power supply into a different outlet or activate power for that outlet.


Batteries and/or a common wire from the HVAC system powers the thermostat, depending on the model. Try changing the thermostat mode or temperature to see if power is present. If there isn't power, ensure new, high-quality alkaline batteries and/or thermostat wiring is in place.


A lock is always powered by batteries. Try unlocking or locking the lock with the keypad to see if power is present. If there isn't power, ensure the lock is completely assembled and that new, high-quality alkaline batteries are in place.

2. Ensure the Z-Wave device is within range of the Z-Wave network

A Z-Wave device needs to be within 30 feet open air of a Z-Wave repeater. Z-Wave repeaters are devices that don't exclusively run off batteries.

To help bring the device back online, try the following:

  • Move the Z-Wave device closer to a Z-Wave repeater
  • Add a Z-Wave repeater to the network.

If a Z-Wave device is still offline after troubleshooting, contact Bell Smart Home for assistance.